About IMSF

The International Maritime Statistics Forum (IMSF) has been in existence since the early 1970s' and was started by an informal coalition of statisticians in international maritime-related institutions. Its objective is "to promote harmonisation and improvement in quality and scope of statistics within the international maritime industries, by means of ongoing work programmes and by affiliation with prominent national and international maritime institutions".

IMSF members have organisational ties to government, trade associations, port authorities, shipbrokers, carriers, data providers, universities, research and other international organisations generally interested in the subject of maritime statistics.

The full membership is invited to meet annually to exchange ideas and share the results of their work in relevant areas; smaller groups liaise as required, often on a regional basis, to work on special projects of mutual interest. Recent annual meetings have been held in Lisbon, Hong Kong, Oslo, London, Copenhagen, Gothenburg and most recently in Athens.

The IMSF is responsible for developing a number of recognized standards which have been, or are in the process of being, adopted by governments and international bodies including the European Commission and United Nations. Current projects include the development of a variable, to be incorporated into leading vessel databases, indicating the country obtaining primary economic benefit from the operation of individual ships.

No membership fees are levied on members, the only costs being travel and subsistence for the annual or regional meetings. However, we do ask members to actively participate in the Forum's activities.